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tv   [untitled]    September 1, 2012 5:07pm-5:37pm EDT

5:07 pm
this event is a shadow cast by may just toss it's the firm the government's paying to assess disabled people's ability to work but it's blamed for humiliating the vulnerable and forcing people off benefits as part of the countries. that are making money out of other people's misery quite literally the old many of them sponsoring the paralympics so i think it's really lost on them and he seems to divide people into the deserving to save and the un serving tony bradstock went through an at or sest moment which resulted in him losing his entire income for six months he says he was made to feel like a criminal and the process resulted in him attempting suicide. for the. disposable. strickly sit and watch the exposure of what. dr a shade took a break because i couldn't find any why i took the route.
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anyway i'd say he's not a load of pressure groups a thirty two people died a week after being found fit to work out of disabled people and other activists have travelled here from all over the country very test against actresses sponsorship of the paralympics they you know use it in their admiration for paralympic themselves but it's a good organization and they feel that she owed an root disabled people should play no part in this. in a statement the company defends its practices and policies responsibility back to the government department for work and pensions which actually makes the final decision. we do not made decisions on people's benefit in time to mend or. who continue to make sure that the service we provide is as highly professional and compassionate is it can be but disability activists say that's just passing the
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buck and that his sponsorship of the games it's a whitewash it doesn't deserve they're trying to clean up their e bay by trying to associate themselves with sport it's you know this is so disability rights people's activity that's really given the other side how how how floats how they kill people like ultimate team g.b. athletes appeared to holy ground take on the paralympic accreditation during the opening ceremony but activists say that cigarettes are not actual to the government expect to cause a row total of five million people to do use their independent living benefits for the next four years. in the program the u.s. and israel are left embarrassed as the more than one hundred nations support iran's atomic program as experts believe the country needs it as
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a repellant against international military aggression. also echoes of war in the black sea munitions dumped in the water seventy years ago are still threatening tourist hot spots. i had a family i lived in a fairly nice community wasn't which was an upscale it was just like you know archie bunker society ok then they started showing up what happened was my company decided i could get cheap labor and they got rid of us. through there. was a legally blind legally we have to get up every morning we have to go to work and you know we have to pay our bills and we have to do it and i mean that's just the american dream and if you want to marry. you dream you have to go by the last like figure. years one. that's the sort of. i watch and they run run down my property about this noise. or this.
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one or is protecting the country i'm the kind of guy who doesn't want goodness pay and sturdy so i come out here you know we're all immigrants as well you know that we all came from somewhere else. you're watching r t thanks for being with us now more than one hundred nations have unanimously supported iran's nuclear program as long as it's useful peaceful purposes to the nonaligned movement direct up into run in a monster resoundingly slap in the face for the u.s. and israel who've been trying to downplay the will of the gathering leaders i.e. a report issued during the summit came to run from doubled its nuclear capacity by installing a new raney an interest from incentive pages to run the rejection of the documents saying it was all politically motivated political analysts error drives are things the i.a.e.a. has never been an impartial body. the iranians do it partially for self preservation
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they also do it for propaganda purposes and to lend themselves clout on the world stage they have the inherent right according to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty that they have the right to have a nuclear program so long as it's for peaceful purposes as is now accepted international law so i think that's the first one the second one of course is the geo political reality that they look around them you look at the map and they see that they are surrounded literally on all sides by the united states or various allies of the united states and the principle is quite clear that the united states will invade nations that do not have the threat of nuclear weapons and the united states does not invade the nations that do have that right i ate a in many ways is part of what the leader in iran called the overt dictatorship of the united nations that is to say that the i.a.e.a. is always led by us produced think tank individuals like eldora di or
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his predecessors who will inevitably execute the agenda of the western powers regardless of whether that contravenes international law. saying mom and miranda hey professor at the university of tehran says iran would have never launched a nuclear program but for international pressure. the iranians are saying that this report came at a sensitive time to sort of distract attention away from this iranian success the nonaligned movement. conference in tehran has been highly successful instead of iran being isolated the united states has become isolated scented oppose senior figures are going to tehran and many major world leaders have come to the country in addition the president of egypt came to iran which is a political earthquake the iranians are producing uranium. enrichment at twenty percent for her so if he's in tehran which then produce medical isotopes
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the fact that the united states and the europeans tried to prevent iran from obtaining this fuel in the past met that meant that they were taking iran in cancer patients hostage the irony here is that the iranians at the beginning had no intention whatsoever to produce uranium at twenty percent and then produce nuclear fuel but americans and the europeans by taking iranian citizens and people hostage for sea iranians to take that politicians senior politicians really know that an attack on iran would be devastating for the united states and not only for its economy but for its global position and its credibility the washington seems reluctant to indorse a strike on iran israel is getting all geared up for it people in tel aviv have been practicing emergency drills which simulate miss our attacks and authorities policy reports war preparations have also moved to the ideological arena.
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this fifteen page emergency brochure is being distributed by the israeli army across the country and it puts around the smiling face on very serious and grim statistics the brush it takes about what people should do in a state of emergency it says that there is a need for family told the families to get together and talk about what to do if this country is in a state of crisis at the same time if it's at anywhere between fifty fifty and three minutes is the time frame that israelis will have from the moment fire when found until there is a state of emergency there and also going to people to go and check that they bomb shelters up to scratch now that russia doesn't make any mention of any kind of meat on the ranch but certainly it is giving some kind of urgency and there have been those who've suggested that it is really the day to day by israeli politicians in preparation for human and war and so i think we've heard that kind of replica coming out of the israeli political elite some officials have said that we're
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looking at a civilian conference some five hundred people in any kind of war that would follow and is waiting to strike on the run parallel to the brochure there is an advert that you're writing on his radio television and it shows a way in general we saw it with the israeli army officers and then trying to convince him to give their support in an israeli attack on an enemy state presumably the ranch the general at that stage take a bite out of the chocolate hazelnut that sitting in front of him and he said something along the lines of let's go nuts which the israelis misinterpret to mean that he has given them the green light for the population for the missiles not to fall guy and you have those who want to move situation the israelis so we have been putting up there with me and it does seem as if there is something on the go we have heard some israeli politicians on record saying that a strike on iran is going to happen soon but the official line to be from the government in terms of. this brochure and when we focus on what that is nothing in
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the age of the general public awareness that people need to know what to do in a state. where we are. now less lake take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world a double suicide bombing near a military base in central afghanistan has killed at least thirteen people including nine civilians more than seventy other people were wounded a bomb on food was followed by a truck driven by another attacker whose device exploded shortly afterwards the taliban have already claimed responsibility for the blessed. seven shia muslims have been shot dead in the city of quetta in pakistan police say gunmen on motorcycles force a group off a bus and shot five of them the survivors try to run away but where chased down and killed the attack is the latest in the wave of sectarian violence in pakistan as
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shia groups blame the government of failing to hold the bloodshed. at least two thousand demonstrators took to the streets of brussels on saturday over the possible early release of the wife an accomplice of belgium's most notorious paedophile marked a tall michel martin helped in prison and starved to eight year old girls and is likely to be transferred from prison to a convent after serving only hope of her thirty year sentence the protesters demanded a fundamental reform of the justice system in the country. the visions of ukraine's are crimea draw thousands of tourists every year now however recent underwater discovery may compromise the results of long as stablish reputation. finds out how far the authorities will go to keep inconvenient facts from surfacing. locals in the crimea admit that the tourist season this year might
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have been better but still we're talking hundreds of thousands of stories from all over the world who have come here for summer holidays but none of them are aware that swimming in the sea here by actually be dangerous this summer dozens of dead dolphins washed up on crimean shores ecologists say this is down to an infection and the actions of local poachers but others have connected these deaths to something more sinister divers recently discovered these barrels containing poisonous gas which were dumped in the sea by the retreating soviet army prior to the nazi invasion of one thousand nine hundred forty one archives suggest one thousand two hundred containers are scattered around the crimean coast we have find and identified locations of around five hundred twenty ten the integrity warranty of these bottles eventually expired meaning that starting from twenty eleven these containers to start falling apart. if poisonous substances are released into the sea water the consequences could be unimaginable he breathed gas can theoretically
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kill everything within forty kilometers however the state ecological watchdog firmly denies this threat even exists. are divers and specialists from the interior ministry check the bottom of the sea or the board tories tested water for poisonous substances and we found nothing. but this recently declassified documents suggest the opposite in two thousand and four crimea's authorities urged private colleges to check the coastline for threats that is when those containers were found former m.p. oleksandr crucial is probably the only politician in ukraine who is making comments on the issue because she says the authorities are deliberately keeping the public in the dark and you ship it with it now that's a mentality of local bureaucrats who come in for a year or two now and don't want these problems in their hands meanwhile more and more kids who turn to this virus infections from crimea to summer holidays and this is the. by trying not to logic state of the seawater who says lifting those
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containers from the bottom of the sea is impossible they will fall apart that's why experts suggest a different solution. there's a technology which allows to see all these containers all for seven hundred years underground succumb for gases are constructed and put above the decaying barrels would solve the problem. it is hard to estimate how much this kind of operation would cost but as long as these barrels are a threat to every black sea country key of would most certainly get international aid should it appeal for help this year's tourist season has finished with no major incidents but some say that next year unless there's urgent political action the region may not be so lucky alexi russia of ski r.t. reporting from crimea in ukraine. tens of thousands of protesters have occupied the main highway leading to the train's capital management demand greater freedoms and
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a democratic government the demonstrators held are banners and flags verging the remains of jailed dissidents including human rights activists not be over jab a shia majority state which is ruled by a western bakshi dynasty has been hit by under arrest and protests of eighteen months the u.s. has been supporting bahrain's regime with its offense feed based in the country poland of well former political studies professor at the university of the trainees is getting difficult for washington to maintain its influence in the country. the united states wants to retain its edge amount of control not only aware bahrain but over the entire persian gulf monarchies in the interim elite in order to keep that crude oil flowing which we have relied upon since the famous bill with president franklin delano roosevelt and nineteen forty five in the great bitter like of egypt within the leader of saudi arabia so they want to keep that all flowing they want to retain their demonic control our they realize that with the increasing
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democratic opposition in all of these countries that they can no longer rely on these autocratic dictators to maintain their control and this is particularly true in bahrain where the population three quarters of the population are out on the streets on a regular basis telling the government to leave saying we are no longer in support of monarchy. the mosque has been celebrating its thirty day marking the anniversary of its eight hundred sixty fifth year and i know website you can see some of the festivities. going churches from red square away and mobility music festival took place combined with a flashy parade uniting the two military units all over the world. also
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online how one of the world's fastest developing markets has become a battlefield germany look so ready to join the economic war between china and the u.s. with a brand all over the price of solar energy. closet t.v. race rob a new british sitcom about a family of pakistani immigrants stirs up a storm of complaints on the muslim view of. the u.s. presidential race is heating up with fresh maneuvering two months before the election republican mitt romney has slammed his rival barack obama for his handling of foreign affairs but was in turn accused of paying little attention to troops in afghanistan but how sure americans really care for pre-election exchanges president
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is in new york to find out. in the us republicans and democrats are holding their national conventions and here the media and politicians talk about them that the most important things going on right now so who's watching and what have they seen this week let's talk about that have you been watching why not because i don't like either one of those guys so you don't watch and you don't vote in that senate no i do vote but i don't like voting for the word who's who's not the worst of the two. but do you need to watch the conventions to be informed know it's all crap have you been watching you know absolutely none of it why now but i hate the republicans are you going to watch the democratic convention probably not why not i don't need to do you think there is actual information being said sad at the conventions or a say just kind of b.s.
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but i think it's sort of you know sounds good on camera do you think that these conventions actually do anything you know. spend money our money our money how do you feel about that i don't like that. i do we get them to stop because you know romney's going to say leave town. the content is not so much the port important as the outside how people perform that that's my first impression that the people are choosing the heads not the i think most of europeans are through obama and that's it and you don't need to watch any of the badness you know really want to show us that i was really i mean congress or us is smarter than that that was really awful i'm sure what better way irritates me is that these people aren't too bad she's really think we're stupid what are they covering up well and she's a very intelligent lady but i mean she sat there for an hour striking mitt romney so you go well you know americans smarter than that you know that way i mean
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america needs someone to stand up and take charge i think little it's face it ok. literal for themselves that's it i give up on it but don't they when i mean you're not happy with the way things are going and so the solution you've chosen is to check out doesn't that mean they they went. yes. yes so it seems like most people aren't even watching but if you do decide to tune in and remember to watch it for what it is extremely calculated very expensive showmanship designed to influence the way you think whether or not that works is up to you. fred i'll be back with an update of our top stories in less than five minutes and then it will be the kaiser reports but for now stay where you are.
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any time i didn't. dreaming of a luxury use see round trip with the open air entertainments. a little min of exercise to get in better shape. and cuisine with all my healthy ingredients. in this case something to remove our summer sales on our cheap. fifty. five.
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are you watching are to with me to bob once a here's a recap of the headlines of this hour syria's rebels to kessin billion a bold saw the latest target and one that international flights shooting straight anyway near the country's two largest cities. outrage against turkey's recent push for a no fly zone over syria slogs rallies in germany by both pro and anti us such. actions will speak louder than words as israeli appears to be gearing up point and strike from as you run launching a massive propaganda campaign that along with emergency drills. blasts anger at the london paralympics a key sponsor of the game is accused of humiliating disabled people one of the
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goldman's attempts to cut welfare benefits. coming up and say it's max and stacey taken on look at the scandals behind the financial headlines that's on the kaiser report next year on our t.v. stay with us. max kaiser this is the cause the report you know poland must be coming along economically because of course they are attracting wall street banks and just outright scams to daisy. max keiser yes this is the first headline thousands caught in polish financial scam thousands of poles many of them elderly have fallen victim to a huge fraud which has left them facing financial ruin financial institution amber gold promised guaranteed returns of ten to fourteen percent for what it claimed
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were investments in gold many of its clients were older poles who grew up under communism and lack the knowledge to question how a financial firm can guarantee such a high rate of return on a commodity whose value fluctuates on the international market now peter shack the chief economist for poland nor day a market says quote these were people with a low level of financial education they think it's still like in the old times where everything was guaranteed by the state no no no that's not like the new times is it well yeah in other words it's a it's a scam that you see all over the world new york london now in poland is this is a mark of coming of age for poland they're being scammed by stamps so these people peter says. i thought they were still like in the old kinds where everything was guaranteed by the state so they under estimated the risk so let's apply this to the whole global system max because we don't we see this in our global financial system
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what did all of the consumers in america did all of the consumers in greece ireland spain the u.k. under estimate the risk because they thought that alan greenspan or ben bernanke he would step in and save everybody while a vet plus the bonds that arrived upon the shores of europe had a aaa rating thanks to fish and moody's and s. and p. so yes they had a false sense of security now the banks are underwater then greece goes underwater now italy is underwater spain's underwater because they were sold bonds that had a aaa rated guarantee from the u.s. but it turns out that these bonds are not worth one hundred cents of the dollar they're not even worth zero cents on the dollar well in fact why they sell how they sell treasury bonds is sounds like how they sold this gold to the people in poland we are dealing with the loss of confidence in the entire financial system and an urgent need for safe investments the environment for gold is perfect as we hear
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this about u.s. treasury bonds. treasury bonds are sold by hucksters they are guaranteed confiscation of wealth as a guaranteed zero return guaranteed loss if you're buying a twenty year bond with zero percent near zero percent coupon in an environment or social banks are printing money like it's going out of style you're guaranteed a loss but so but they need to keep the wheels of the fraud going because of the cheat you train a fraud stops at the station then they're not going to be able to live that big christmas bonus to do. so again they think it's still like in the old times where everything was guaranteed by the state now let's look at our economies over here the can is full of cement this is from market ticker dot org and apparently the. dallas fed which has been a strong opponent of q.e. in all forms has come out with a working paper the soon to be infamous number one to six the paper isn't titled ultra easy monetary policy and the law of unintended consequences and one thing
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they note about quantitative easing is that cumulative stock effects provide negative feedback mechanisms that over time also we can both supply and demand it is also the case that ultra easy monetary policies can eventually threaten the health of financial institutions of the functioning of financial markets threaten the independence of central banks and can encourage imprudent behavior on the parts of governments. they're actually heroin stops working. mean that the economy is runs on their stocks of money from a can it's instant debt just add more debt and the returns are diminishing they've been diminishing for three decades they've been diminishing since the u.s. went off the gold standard they hit the wall in two thousand and seven the now the end game is now in play and it's obvious now that their returns are diminishing and now they're stepping up to the plate and saying hey you know what maybe this isn't
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working this thing that hasn't been working for thirty years well the negative feedbacks they're talking about is that you can't have capitalism without capital you need savings and people aren't saving because the interest rates are so low so it's providing a negative feedback because all they have now is money printing by the central bank that the bankers on wall street want because they live in these old times where alan greenspan is always there to save them they think there is no risk in the economy in capitalism because of this money printing but you can't have capitalism without capital and these banks the big banks on wall street or in the u.k. they have no reserves they have no collateral they have no capital they have ten to fifteen times their market cap in debt that they can possibly ever repay and they have been earning statement that comes out a record of their shows a flow of processing fraudulent claims that they take a fee on but the balance sheet is fraudulent.


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